With success and lots of momentum into the next project phase!
The StackFuel and InfAI teams behind the Toolbox Datenkompetenz (“toolbox data literacy”) project have met again for a joint exchange to talk about the progress of the project, explore upcoming goals and celebrate successes.
Although most of the work on the project takes place remotely, face-to-face meetings are invaluable in strengthening team cohesion and promoting the exchange of ideas. This time, the project meeting took place in Leipzig on the premises of the Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI) e.V.. Here was the opportunity to see new and old faces of both teams (again) and to talk intensively about the research and development work.
The meeting started with insights and updates from the individual work areas of the project on research, technical development of the platform as well as communication measures and networking activities. Each sub-working group had the opportunity to present their results so far and to clarify questions from the other team members. After a joint creative phase in which new ideas for the further development of the platform were collected and played through, the roadmap for the further term and the upcoming goals was discussed.
At the end of the meeting, there was an atmosphere of optimism and satisfaction. The cooperation and knowledge sharing between the teams are helping to keep the project on a very good track.
After a productive day, the team enjoyed lunch together and celebrated the project successes so far. With anticipation, StackFuel and InfAI team members look forward to upcoming meetings and the remaining project time.