The following map identifies offers on the topic of “data competence” or “data literacy” in the German higher education landscape. Coloured markers serve to categorise the offers according to their availability, with recurring offers marked in green, one-off offers in orange and offers under development in grey. Clicking on a marker displays additional information such as the name of the university, the target group or the programming skills of the respective offer. Offers that take place exclusively online and are freely accessible are located on the map according to the geographical location of the provider organisation. To avoid overlapping markers, if there is more than one offer in the immediate vicinity of the institution, additional points have been created that do not correspond to the exact geographical location.
The map is not yet optimised for smartphones.
The data collection took place from May to August 2022, based on the websites of over 400 German universities. To identify relevant offers, the search masks of the respective university websites were used to search for the keywords “data literacy” and “data competence”. It was not always possible to identify all existing offers using this procedure, as some search engines had technical deficiencies and possibly offers with a similar or the same orientation used different terminology. We therefore make no claim to completeness and cannot guarantee that links and their contents in particular have remained up-to-date beyond the survey period.
The map, which was created as a result of the consolidation and evaluation of all identified offers, was created using the “Folium” library available in Python. The federal state areas of Open Data Lab were used for the overlay. The information regarding signatory universities was taken from the corresponding entries in the sections of the Stifterverband (Data Literacy Charter and Data Literacy Education, Data Literacy Education Network and Data Literacy Education NRW).
Die Karte mit den entsprechenden Informationen ist lizensiert: